This is our favourite multi-track machine. It looks like 80s hospital equipment.
Interesting features:
- Lets you store two bias settings per speed.
- Switchable speed pairs (7.5/15ips or 15/30ips)
- ‘Global input’ for all 8 channels for quick and easy alignments
- Very nice sound

on Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 at 10:00 pm in Tape Machines |
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[…] with the Otari MX 70, this is one of our main multitrack machine. We modified the amplifier cards to allow correct […]
I have purchased one of these machines but before it was shipped the owner informed me of a overheating problem on at least 4 of the cards. Was told this was a common problem and that if not fixed these cards will burn out. Is there any truth to this? Have you had any such problem? Was also told that replacement cards are available for $35-40 (US). This also does not seem correct. Any info you could provide would be appreciated. Greg
Hi Greg,
Sorry about the slow reply. You posted this under both the Otari and the Tascam MS16 posts. Which machine are you talking about?
[…] threw up some mics and recorded the sets to 8-track analog tape at 7.5 inches per second (using the Otari MX70).Video was taken by a few different people in attendance; Caitlin Loney edited the footage together […]