Tape transfers

We offer tape digitization services for the following formats:

  • ♦  1″ 16-track CCIR 15 ips
  • ♦  1″ 8-track CCIR or NAB 30/15/7.5 ips
  • ♦  1/2″ 8-track CCIR 15ips
  • ♦  1/4″ full track NAB 15/7.5 ips
  • ♦  1/4″ 2-track NAB or CCIR 15/7.5/3.75 ips
  • ♦  1/4″ quarter track NAB or CCIR 15/7.5 ips
  • ♦  1/4″ 8-track NAB 7.5 ips (Tascam format)
  • ♦  Standard cassette tapes (Dolby B or C)
  • ♦  4-track cassette tapes
  • ♦  Microcassette

We can also do editing and noise reduction processing on your transferred files.

Interested? Write us at bottlegardenstudio@gmail.com with info on what needs transferring for a quote (our rates are very reasonable).


Note: At this time we’re not equipped to deal with chemically deteriorated tapes, try a specialist like Richard Hess or Sonicraft.

Update: We recently conducted some experiments and found that we were able to successfully ‘bake’ tape suffering from ‘sticky shed syndrome’ (common deterioration mode with backcoated Ampex and 3M stocks manufactured from the mid-1970s until the 1990s). Once the tape was baked, we were able to transfer the contents and we were happy to find there was no noticeable degradation in sound quality.